Sheepman – Cattlemen War In Idaho

In a previous post, I wrote about my 2nd great-grandfather William Augustus Tolman, and DiamondFeild Jack. I laid out the story of how he came to be shot and lived to talk about it. His son William Cyrus Tolman corrected misinformation that was printed in the news. As I was browsing YouTube searching for family names, I came across a …

Sheriff Robert Franklin McBride

While researching my McBride ancestorial line in Graham County, Arizona, I came across this YouTube video done by Miss Katty’s Wild West Adventures: The Powers Family Shootout: A True Tale of Courage and Controversy. My great-grandmother Lydia June Angel married into the McBride family, so it naturally caught my attention. She first married Rolla McBride, and then, after his death, …

Charles Wesley Edmondson (1874-1917)

Charles Wesley Edmondson, my great-grandfather, the father of Ruth Marie Edmondson my paternal grandmother. There are not many stories or memories of Charles that can be found. This is my attempt to write his life history based on the bits and pieces of his life in North Carolina, Texas, and Idaho. The information has come from the backs of photos, …

Cornetta Nielsen (1874-1940)

Cornetta “Karen” Nielsen is my 2x great-grandmother. Her daughter June McBride is my great-grandmother. Cornetta was born on the 15 May 1874 to Harriet Amanda Brown and Peter Nielsen in Washington City, Washington, Utah Territory. I have previously written about Cornetta’s grandmother Harriet Amanda Sheldon who crossed the plains after leaving Kirkland, Ohio. According to my first cousin once removed, …

Abraham Brown & Harriet Amanda Sheldon

Abraham Brown & Harriett Amanda Sheldon are my 4th great grandparents through my maternal or Naylor side of the family tree. Abraham also went by the name Abram at times probably to distinguish himself from his father. Their lives spanned a period of time from the early 1800’s to later part’s of the 1800’s. They were both born in Vermont …

My Grandfather the Spy

Ralph Velond Naylor grandfather used for featured image

My grandfather, Ralph Veldon Naylor, wasn’t an actual spy that I’m aware of during WWII, but he was involved in counter intelligence. He spent time during the war behind enemy lines disguised at time as a German Soldier and probably as a Russia Soldier, if that makes him a spy then I guess he was. The story I tell comes …