In a previous post, I wrote about my 2nd great-grandfather William Augustus Tolman, and DiamondFeild Jack. I laid out the story of how he came to be shot and lived to talk about it. His son William Cyrus Tolman corrected misinformation that was printed in the news. As I was browsing YouTube searching for family names, I came across a …
Charles Wesley Edmondson, my great-grandfather, the father of Ruth Marie Edmondson my paternal grandmother. There are not many stories or memories of Charles that can be found. This is my attempt to write his life history based on the bits and pieces of his life in North Carolina, Texas, and Idaho. The information has come from the backs of photos, …
William Augustus Tolman, is my 2nd great grandfather, his son William Cyrus Tolman is my great grandfather. My grandfather Almo J Tolman would have been about 5 years old when his grandfather William died on the 25 June 1920 in Burley, Cassie, Idaho. I can just picture my grandfather sitting on his grandpa William’s knee, intently listening to him telling …