Cornetta Nielsen (1874-1940)

Cornetta “Karen” Nielsen is my 2x great-grandmother. Her daughter June McBride is my great-grandmother. Cornetta was born on the 15 May 1874 to Harriet Amanda Brown and Peter Nielsen in Washington City, Washington, Utah Territory. I have previously written about Cornetta’s grandmother Harriet Amanda Sheldon who crossed the plains after leaving Kirkland, Ohio. According to my first cousin once removed, …

Abraham Brown & Harriet Amanda Sheldon

Abraham Brown & Harriett Amanda Sheldon are my 4th great grandparents through my maternal or Naylor side of the family tree. Abraham also went by the name Abram at times probably to distinguish himself from his father. Their lives spanned a period of time from the early 1800’s to later part’s of the 1800’s. They were both born in Vermont …

Willian Augustus Tolman & DiamondField Jack

William Augustus Tolman, is my 2nd great grandfather, his son William Cyrus Tolman is my great grandfather. My grandfather Almo J Tolman would have been about 5 years old when his grandfather William died on the 25 June 1920 in Burley, Cassie, Idaho. I can just picture my grandfather sitting on his grandpa William’s knee, intently listening to him telling …